If you are looking to start practicing ice hockey at home, you’ve probably realized a major issue: you don’t own an ice rink. You could try practicing on the street, or in your garage, but those can tear up your stick and possibly lead to bad habits if done incorrectly.
However, hockey tiles allow you a great surface to practice on that allows the puck to slide effortlessly. Hockey tiles allow you to properly practice training maneuvers. They let you simulate the physics of an ice rink, and allow your puck to glide almost exactly like fresh ice. Moreover, your hockey stick will move over them just as similarly, allowing you to practice drills that you would perform on real ice. Below are a few links that you might enjoy.
Remember to warm up and get yourself limber before you practice so that you avoid getting any injuries by having tensed up muscles. Jumping jacks, pushups, and stretches are always good ways to get the blood pumping and body ready to go.
- — Weave • Start in a corner with your puck • Skate forward with the puck while weaving around cones. • When you approach the blue line, turn around and skate backward with the puck until you reach the far blue line. • At the far blue line, you turn forward, skate in and shoot towards goal.
- — Defensive Reaction • Start in your favorite corner. When you get towards being near the blue line, get ready. • Next skate forward with the puck to the blue line, stop and skate to the middle of the tiles. • When you reach the cone pivot and skate backward with the puck to the far blue line. • At the far blue line, turn to the outside and skate forward to the corner.
- — Sniper Shot Relay • Get several pucks lined up and ready that are spread approximately 6 inches apart. Skate towards them with your stick ready to shoot. Keeping rhythm and steady on your feet shoot each puck with purpose towards the goal and try to make each shot count. Depending on how much room you have to work with, shoot as many and as much as you can. Once you have shot all the pucks, bring them back and start over again until you are done.
If you’re looking to buy hockey tiles of your own, Sniper’s Edge Hockey is going to be your best bet. Sniper’s Edge Hockey provides exceptional hockey tiles, that allow you to practice and perform as if you’re on the ice.