The condition of alcoholism is detected in many stages. Alcohol users exhibit the effects of alcohol usage at different levels, and early detection is the best solution for removing the chances of the progress of the addiction.
Detox to Rehab is one such solution for finding the best remedies for alcohol withdrawal issues. They are the helping guide for people that are looking for solutions for their alcohol issues. You can check their webpage to find answers to all questions related to alcohol abuse.
Stages of Alcoholism
· Pre-Alcoholism
This is the condition where adolescents are given a free pass for their alcohol usage with the reason that they are going through some social anxiety issues and are trying to fit in. this is the condition known as pre-alcoholism.
· Early Alcoholism
The symptoms of early alcoholism begin when one starts experiencing blackouts. The condition of alcohol abuse goes a little out of control in this stage and can lead to adding alcohol to many drinks such as beverages, soft drinks, and so on.
More consumption of alcohol can lead to a stage of tolerance, where no alcohol is enough for them.
· Problematic Usage Stage
The prolonged usage of alcohol can lead to health issues. The initial diagnosis of this condition starts from a liver impairment, chances of the development of STDs, and so on. The further stage in this case can even lead to conducting some illegal acts such as DUI.
The stages of dependency will prolong further and can reach the stage where the alcohol users cannot stay even a second away from alcohol. These are the stages of alcoholism.