After spending more time at home this past year, everyone might be noticing the air smells stale. With more people at home, more smells find their way into the air in a home. Cooking smells, smells from smoking, and pet smells are not better second-hand. But, how do homeowners freshen that air without throwing all the windows and doors open? Essential oils distributed by nebulizing scent diffusers can be a good answer. The oils and diffusers are reasonably priced and have an immediate effect when used.
Can Essential Oils Clean the Air?
Essential oils can get rid of seasonal discomfort and improve indoor air quality. These essential oils contain the essence of plants, seeds, roots, stems, flowers, fruit, grasses, and even trees. They are extracted using natural methods such as cold pressing and distillation. When these essences of plants are extracted, they are mixed with special oils to create usable essential oil scents.
Essential oils improve the indoor air by smelling good. But they also have air purification properties that help clean air. Essential oils such as melaleuca, clove, cinnamon, oregano, grapefruit extract, and rosemary can be diffused into a room’s air where they clean the air and prevent mold spores.
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils in plants are in the glandular parts of the plant on the surface areas or inside the plant. It is more effective to use these extracted essential oils than to use the plants themselves. By extracting these valuable chemicals and making them into usable essential oil products, the manufacturers make over 90 types of scents available to people who want ting to use them for health and wellness benefits in the home and commercial buildings.
Choosing the Correct Essential Oils
In choosing the right essential oils for your home, do a little research online or with available books about essential oils and their properties. Each essential oil has things it is known for, and some have properties to be aware of for safety. There are single scents and there are Scenting Oils that are lovely blends of oils to evoke a special experience or place for the user.
It is a good idea to talk to the family and make a list of everyone’s favourite smells, scents they do not like, and health problems that may be helped by using the right essential oil and diffuser. Some essential oils help people relax and destress. Others help people with allergies, colds, or the flu get better sooner.
Since different scents have different positive effects, it may be a good idea to use room-size diffusers so different family members can choose the ones that will help them the most. A small diffuser can give them an individual experience in their private space. Another diffuser can be used in living rooms and other family spaces for the whole family to benefit from.
The diffuser you choose is important. Some use water or heat to diffuse essential oils, but a diffuser that can diffuse the scents as a nebulizer is best for safety.