More good news for our fellow coffee-lovers, as studies have found that coffee helps us live longer, even if we consume 7 cups a day.
An experiment done with 500,000 adults, has shown some amazing results. Coffee consumers were said to have a lower risk of death compared to non-coffee drinkers, this experiment was done over 10 years.
Although so many health experts have spoken about the medical issues that come with drinking coffee, this study comes as a great relief. The study shows that drinking coffee actually has a large range of health benefits.
Here we’ll discuss the benefits that come with drinking coffee.
Lower Your Chance of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes is a growing concern worldwide, as obesity is forever increasing, along with processed foods that continuously takes over the industry.
Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that comes with high blood sugar levels, as the body becomes resistant to Insulin production.
According to Espresso Gurus “Coffee drinkers, amazingly, have a large reduced risk of getting the disease”. A study showed that people who consume coffee, have more than half the lower risk of getting type 2 Diabetes. Every cup of coffee from best saeco espresso machine, a person drinks has a 6% lower risk of Diabetes.
Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
The most common neurodegenerative disease is Alzheimers, which is also the major cause for Dementia. This disease affects the elderly, and there is no cure.
However, there are ways to prevent the disease. Usually, it comes with eating healthy, but the part we are most happy about is that coffee lowers the risk of getting the disease.
A has provided results that show that individuals who consume coffee, have more than half the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease as well as Dementia.
Lower Your Chance of Getting Certain Cancer
Cancer, one of the world’s major causes of death. This disease is caused by cells that grow uncontrollably in the body.
Coffee lowers the risk of two types of Cancer: Colorectal and Liver Cancer. Colorectal cancer is the 4th most cancer-related deaths and Liver cancer comes 3rd with cancer-related deaths.
The study has shown astonishing results, where coffee prevents 40% risk of Liver cancer in consumers. Additionally, coffee prevents up to 15% risk of Colorectal cancer. However, these coffee drinkers will have to consume 5 cups of coffee daily.
Lower Risk of Depression
Depression is a mental disease that affects the quality of life.
Depression is one of the most common mental diseases, with 4% of people in the US having depression.
In an experiment done by Harvard, results showed that individuals who drink 4 or more cups of coffee daily, decrease their risk of depression by 20%.
Additionally, another study showed that people who drank the same amount of coffee each day, have a 53% decreased risk of suicide.
Coffee is not only great tasting, but it helps us fight off diseases that decrease our life-span, and help us live a happy and full life.