One thing that has been sorely lacking from all government advice during the Coronavirus pandemic is how to boost your body’s immune system and protect against getting the virus in the first place. All government measures and advice has been about reducing risk of contracting it rather than helping your body to fight it off and having less extreme symptoms should you get it.
There are lifestyle factors that play a big role with your immune system, things such as not drinking too much alcohol, smoking, getting plenty of sleep and doing regular exercise, the general things we should all do to stay healthy but then there are also additional things you can do to boost it. Some of the best vitamins and supplements to take are Vitamin D and Zinc, these are both shown to improve your bodies immune system. Obviously it is always better to try and take these in naturally either via food or the sun. The difficulty in much of northern Europe is that it can be difficult to get the required levels of Vitamin D your body needs throughout the year because of the weather and the intensity of the sun so in these areas, particularly in the winter months, it is essential to take supplements to make sure you have a good level of vitamin D and are not deficient. Numerous clinical trials have shown that a deficiency in Vitamin D is one of the leading causes of getting serious complications with Coronavirus. Those of black ethnicity living in this part of the world should definitely be taking supplements.
As with most things in the body, everything is inter-connected, so when it comes to getting regular exercise things like having a Magnesium deficiency can lead to low energy level and affect whether you want to go out and do any. Magnesium tablets are a great way of improving your energy levels as well as your general mood.
One of the final bits of advice when it comes to having a healthy immune system is to make sure you are going out regularly and coming in to contact with people. We are exposed to hundreds of different forms of bacteria and viruses every day, our body is used to this and it keeps your immune system performing well. One of the most dangerous side effects of the lockdown and the social distancing is that you are no longer coming in to contact with these and your immune system will get lazy and weaken meaning then when you do go out again you are more likely to catch illnesses.