A lot of people wonder how they should go about getting an STD test. Some people are scared to go to the doctor, but it is important to get tested so you can be sure to tell the truth about your situation. Going to the doctor is important even if you have not contracted a STD. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to matters of your health.
How Do You Get A STD Test? When you start thinking about it, the most obvious way to do it is to go to your doctor. Your doctor will tell you what STD tests you need. You will discuss: any symptoms you are experiencing. If you or your sexual partner has ever been infected with an STD before.
Other questions your doctor may ask you are about your last vaginal or oral sex experience. They may also want to know if you have ever used prescription medicines to treat your symptoms. Some STD test also look at things like skin conditions and cuts and scrapes. A genital exam may be done as well as blood tests. These all ask for sensitive, private information about your genitals so you can tell them what you are feeling and what you may have in your body.
If these STD tests do not show anything wrong, you can go to an STD clinic and have a physical exam. Here doctors can take a look at your reproductive organs, urethra, and labia. They can also perform a swab test for vaginal discharge and a swab test for semen. These are very common STD tests. You can take a home STD test called a rashes and blisters self test or a post Nasal Swab. These are quite painless and easy to do.
Many women think that they should have a regular annual exam because they may include some screening. But, this is a decision for you to make. If you think that you may have an STD that needs a medical exam, you may include a pap smear for cervical cancer and genital warts. Many women find that they can do their own Pap Smear or visit the doctor if they feel uncomfortable.
The most important thing is to be healthy. Be sure to practice safe sex. It is better to be sexually active than not. However, it is also a good idea to be re-tested after several years. Remember, that just because you have one test under your belt does not mean that you do not have STDs. Make sure you get a proper diagnosis from your doctor.