There is no shortage of reasons to invest in solar energy in 2020. Increases in the electricity bill and reduced installation costs are among the attractive points. If you are thinking about investing in solar energy, 2020 is the perfect time for that. More affordable prices, possible changes in rules, property appreciation and a few more reasons that will surely convince you that it is the ideal time to invest in solar energy.
In the last four years, the components of the photovoltaic system have had an average drop of 50% in value. This data brings with it good news: solar energy is spreading throughout the world. Do you want to build DIY solar power plant for your home without investing a lot? That’s right, backyard revolution solar system offers you instructions and plans to build solar power plant for less than $200.
How does solar energy work?
Solar energy corresponds to the energy from light and heat emitted by the sun. Solar energy, as its name implies, refers to energy whose source is the Sun. It can be captured by means of various technologies, such as backyard solar power plant (photovoltaic panels). Because it is considered a clean energy source, solar energy is one of the most promising alternative sources for obtaining energy. Solar energy can be used to produce electricity using two systems: heliothermic and photovoltaic.
See the advantages below:
- It is a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy,
- It is completely non-polluting method,
- It requires little maintenance at your production plants,
- Solar panels are increasingly efficient and with lower costs,
- It is a viable energy source for remote and difficult to access places,
- Excellent source of energy for tropical countries,
- It requires less extensive areas to be produced.
Photovoltaic solar energy
Photovoltaic solar energy is nothing more than the direct conversion of solar radiation into electrical energy. This conversion is carried out by photovoltaic cells (composed of silicon semiconductor). When the radiation hits cells, sunlight causes the electrons in the conductive material to move, transporting them through the material until they are captured by an electric field. In this way, required electricity is generated. Consisting of panels, modules and electrical equipment, the photovoltaic system does not require an environment with high radiation to function. However, the amount of energy produced depends on the density of the clouds. Thanks to the backyard revolution plans, it is now possible to design personal solar power plant at affordable prices. Thousands of people are already using this method and saving over $2,000 per year on their energy bills.
Heliothermic solar energy
In the heliothermic system, the energy from the sun is transformed into heat. To make this possible, solar panels (mirrors or collectors) are used, which reflect sunlight to a single point, where there is a receiver. The receiver consists of a liquid, which is heated by the sunlight reflected on the panels. This liquid is responsible for storing heat, heating the water in the plants and thus producing steam. This steam drives the turbines in the plants, causing the generators to start, which produce electrical energy. Regions with high solar incidence, few clouds and flat terrain are suitable for the production of heliothermic solar energy.
Despite the growth in the use of solar energy in recent years, this form of energy represents only 1.3% of the electricity generated in the world. The costs for generating solar energy are still quite high compared to other sources of energy, such as hydraulics and fossil fuels. It is time for you to join this global initiative. Adapt to solar energy and save on your annual electricity bill. Begin by researching Houston electricity rates to find the best renewable energy plan for you.