Oil paintings are smoother and antique artworks that add life to your paintings. Traditional and modern artists popularly prefer oil paintingsto bring pervasive styles to their art. Oil paintings are unique and classic visual arts that have been trending over centuries.
What is oil painting?
Oil paintings use a colourpigment mixed with an oil binding agent. A thinner is also used to make it easier to apply with the brush. This type of paint is slow to dry and it hardens eventually. This gives the artist a break to rest and discover more creative artworks. Oil paints use linseed, safflower, poppy seed, or walnut oils as the main ingredients.
The composition of oil paints and the massive creativity array make it more unique than other painting mediums.Most famous artists, like Lana Zueva, choose oil paintings to portray their imaginations and feelings.Oil paintings are fascinating way to describe the stories and impart magnificent beautyto your artwork.
Why the oil paintings are considered unique and valuable?
Most people use them to decorate their housesto intensifythe beauty of their interiors. Over the centuries, oil paintings areconsidered to reflect your high status, luxurious living,and your taste in the trending fashions. Here are some important reasons why oil paintings are considered unique and valuable.
- Rich historyand culture
During the 15th century, the European painter Jan Van Eyck invented oil paints with his brother Hubert. They developed oil paintings by mixing linseed oil and nut oil with diverse colours. In ancient times, paintersuse animal fats as colour pigments.
- Popularity and monetary value
Leonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and Picasso are some popular artists. Their oil paintings are worth a million-dollar value at present. Oil paintings provide an impeccable illustration of your imagination.Some of the oil paintings cannot be afforded by normal people.
You can visit online to learn about Lana Zueva and her style. She has mastered adjusting pigments in different ways to create unique paintings. Being born in Russia and inspired by famous artists, she loves to create masterpieces of different art styles like portraits, landscapes, animals, and much more. She has won many awards and competitions. You can shop online to buy some of her antique artworks.
- Flexibility and durability
Unlike acrylic paints, oil paints can be applied in different ways from thin glazes to dense thick impasto. With oil paints, youhave many options to blend and experiment with the colours.
- Stabledepth of colour
Oil paints do not change their colour depth after drying. This is very useful for creating different effects and finishes.Some oil payntings by lanaZueva have opaque as well as transparent effects along with glossy finish.
- Provides break time
Acrylic paints tend to dry faster than oil paints. Because of the delayed drying time of oil paints, paints staywet for a longer period to give the artist a break time for resting. This also provides the artists with a longer time to work on the paint for blending and layering.